Friday, December 3, 2010

my life-- a story!

I believe that life is: a story being written by God.. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. When I start to love my story, with all its messed up twists and turns, then I can love other people who are living out their own stories with all their messed up twists and turns.. I've been learning to make peace with my story this past year, Or I guess I should say, the story God is writting in my life. I have my share of messed up twists and turns. We all do. If we didn't, why would we need a Savior? Why would we need God's grace? And in my story, why would I need the power of forgiveness if I could simply work out my anger on my own. But If I'm going to go around saying I love God, then I have to trust him and believe that everything in my life first passed through his fingers. Nothing happens outside of his control. He alone will bring all things to justice one day. All I'm supposed to do is love my own story so that I can love other peoples' stories too.

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