Saturday, August 28, 2010

A little Balderdash Humor :)

So.. Balderdash. along with Picture Telephone, and UNO and WhoWhatWhenWhereWhy are huge family traditions games for us... i wanna share some Balderdash memories.. cos i found them and they make me laugh.. get to know my family and how they thing :)

The Movie.. Signal 7
- Bank robbers hijack a train in a desperate attempt to escape to Mexico (Kristen)

The Movie.. The Cow
- A satire based on Charlotte Web and Animal Farm (Kyra)

Word.. Zazzera
A ritual celebration of the native people of the Amazon (AKM?)

Person... S.C. Root
- The person who invented photography (Kory)

Initials.. B.G.S.
Bio- Genetic Systems (Kristen)

Initials.. W.G.A.
World Gambler's Association (Karissa)

Initials... W.G.A
- Wild Goose Association (that would be the REAL answer)

Initials... L.T.A.B
- Listen To Angry Bosses (Holly)

Word... Koomkie
- A brain damaged chimpanzee (Timothy)

Word... Bletting
-Sneaking up and drawing a beard on your sister when she's sleeping because she made you mad. (Brian)

Initials... B.G.S
-Big Giant Socks (Karissa)

Person.. Bob Leach
- He set the world record for flag pole sitting when he stayed up for 142 straight hours. (Karissa)

- The means by which sleep is achieved through lounging upon many cushions (Eric)

Person.. Eddy Teach
- A mean infamous for avoiding the law in California in the 1870s until he was run over by a stagecoach. (Karissa)

Word.. Wonga Wonga
- A Polynesian War Whoop (Timothy)

Word.. Wonga Wonga
- To brandish a weapon. (Nate)

Word.. Zazzera
- A showoff (Unknow?)

Weird Law... In Japan During the birth of a child, the father had to...
~Remain silent? (Karissa)

Person.. S. Kirkman
- A Brother-in-law to the Warner Brothers who wrote articles critizing the circus (Karissa)

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