Friday, August 20, 2010

My Thoughts

OK... So, the pat couple weeks i've been thinking allot about friendships.. and our relationships with different people who stumble across our lives. Now, if you know me very well, you know I have allot of friends.. I have hanging out, being crazy, making people laugh, and laughing at myself... But i've come to the conclusion that friendship is allot of times something we take too lightly. Friends are such an amazing blessing and life would be soo much harder without them. Our true friends are hard to see sometimes though. As I look back over my twenty-two years, i've come to the realization that real friends are the people who love you no matter what.. Love you in spite of your faults.. they don't look for things in your life they can point out to make you look worse and make themselves look better or more spiritual, they aren't worried about small issues in your life. Instead they're looking at how they can help you in the long run. They remain the same even when you don't talk to them for months... they're there for you whether you live 20 minutes or 20000 miles apart.. they love you whether you're depressed or the happiest you've ever been.. those who stand by you. Somebody who asks you how you're doing and REALLY wants to know, but also knows when to stop asking :) Those who don't change when other, maybe cooler, people come back into their lives.. These are the friends who make life truly beautiful.. the people that make you the happiest you can be with where you are.. Those who you feel  like no matter what happens, they'll be there for you!! I thank God SO much for the friends He has given me.. Don't think they can honestly get ANY better!! and i'm trying really hard by HIS grace to be the best possible true friend I can be.. Love y'all!!

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